Tiered automatic discounts
You can run a tiered discount promotion by applying the highest eligible automatic discount code to the customers’ cart - This is very useful If you have several Buy X Get Y discounts or quantity discounts such as:
- Buy 6 products get 40% off
- Buy 4 products get 25% off
- Buy 2 products get 10% off
So you would only want your customer to get the highest discount that can be applied to their cart. For example:
- If the customer purchases 6 or more products, he/she will get 40% off. [first discount]
- If the customer purchases 4 or 5 products, he/she will get 25% off. [second discount]
- If the customer purchases 2 or 3 products, he/she will get 10% off. [third discount]
- Discount codes must be sorted from the highest discount to the lowest one as above.
- "Apply highest discount only" option should be enabled after adding the tiered discounts.
-You should always click the “Clear Cache” button after every discount deletion/creation or edit on Shopify, this button appears when you have more than three discounts in the list.
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